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contoh kalimat orang farisi

"orang farisi" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • "Woe to you, scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites.
    "Celakalah kamu, ahli-ahli Taurat, Orang Farisi dan orang-orang munafik.
  • They all burst into Simon's home.
    Perempuan berdosa itu masuk ke rumah Simon orang Farisi.
  • Comedians and satirists also fear prosecution for their work.
    Orang Farisi dan para ahli Taurat bersalah karena melakukan legalisme.
  • The Pharisees apparently hate the man.
    Orang Farisi ternyata membenci Orang itu.
  • 54Why Have I Taken the Path of the Pharisees?
    70Mengapa Aku Sudah Mengambil Jalan Orang Farisi?
  • 440God Hopes People Do Not Become Pharisees
    440Tuhan Berharap Manusia Tidak Menjadi Orang Farisi
  • This digit and next characters can be picked by the owner.
    Para ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi dapat dimasukan ke dalam tipe pemimpin ini.
  • 419All Who Use the Bible to Condemn God Are Pharisees
    419Semua yang Menggunakan Alkitab untuk Mengutuk Tuhan adalah Orang Farisi
  • On seeing this, the Scribes and the Pharisees criticized Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners.
    Melihat itu, para ahli kitab dan orang Farisi mengkritik Yesus karena makan bersama pemungut cukai dan orang berdosa.
  • Whilst Mary was weaving the veils for the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem, I studied with the Pharisees. Some of the best ones, too.
    Aku juga pernah belajar kepada orang Farisi, dan orang-orang yang terbaik juga.
  • The King had Jesus whipped 39 times. The leaders still wanted him dead. The soldiers beat and mocked Him and finally, the King agreed to kill Jesus.
    39 kali, tetapi orang Farisi tetap ingin Yesus dibunuh. Para tentara memukul dan mencemoohkan Dia. Akhirnya sang
  • Ibn Tughj sought the honorific title (laqab) of Al-Ikhshīd, which means "King of the Farghanians", from the Abbasids and official designation arrived in July 939.
    Ibnu Tughj mendapatkan gelar kehormatan (laqab) Al-Ikhshīd, yang berarti "Raja orang Farisi" dari Abbasiyah dan penunjukan resmi tiba pada bulan Juli 939.
  • The hymn, (written in the 9th century by Kassia) tells of the woman who washed Christ's feet in the house of Simon the Leper.
    Nyanyian ini, (yang ditulis pada abad ke-9 oleh Kassiani sang biarawati) mengisahkan tentang perempuan yang membasuh kaki Kristus di rumah Simon si orang Farisi.
  • Jesus was in Jerusalem and had preached until the religious leaders were angry with Him. The religious leaders were prepared to arrest Him. Jesus gathered his disciples for a meal and teaching. His ministry was coming to an end.
    ada di Yerusalem dan berkotbah sampai orang Farisi sangat marah kepadaNya. Orang Farisi sudah bersiap untuk
  • Jesus was in Jerusalem and had preached until the religious leaders were angry with Him. The religious leaders were prepared to arrest Him. Jesus gathered his disciples for a meal and teaching. His ministry was coming to an end.
    ada di Yerusalem dan berkotbah sampai orang Farisi sangat marah kepadaNya. Orang Farisi sudah bersiap untuk
  • The Book of Jubilees was written in Hebrew between the year of the accession of Hyrcanus to the high-priesthood in 135 BC and his breach with the Pharisees some years before his death in 105 BC.
    "Kitab Yobel" (Book of Jubilees) ditulis dalam bahasa Ibrani antara tahun naiknya Hyrcanus menjadi imam besar pada tahun 135 SM sampai perpecahan dengan orang Farisi beberapa tahun sebelum kematiannya pada tahun 105 SM.